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It’s the big question hanging on every educator, teacher & principal’s mind…..what will the classroom of the future look like? Will it be a vibrant hive of irregular shaped furniture & contraptions that sees students collaborating & learning without a teacher in sight?

Or will it be buzzing hub of technology & flashing screens with students fixed in individual hubs of education with all the resources they require at their fingertips? It’s a difficult question to answer, however we can definitely see how mode 3 classrooms are trending. We are getting away from the rigid ‘desk, chair & locker’ look to a more flexible & harmonious environment that incorporates soft seating, random tables & booth seating.

Children are the adults of the future, stepping though their creative years. What a better way to let creativity thrive than to create a room that captures their imagination & inspiration? By allowing creativity to develop & flourish, you are releasing the potentail of all students to show where they shine. The management team at Churchie have created a flexible learning area that does just exactly that. Students are exposed to a whole different world of learning, one that allows them to follow their own creative path of learning at their own pace, in their own time & in their own space.


Picture yourself standing in a room withrows of white desks & chairs neatly placed under them. What feelings are evoked….? Feelings of unease, tension, like you’re just about to walk into an examination? Now picture yourself in a colourful environment with ottomans & curved seating & easy access to technology & resources. How do you feel? Excited, free & ready to explore? This environment allows for the collaboration of students, instead of all desks facing the interactive whiteboard with little interaction actually going on! Research has proven that students will learn a lot more from their peers than they will from any book or teaching aide. By facilitating a collaborative environment, students gain a more thorough acquisition of knowledge & understanding that will endow them with valuable skills for the future.

Interaction is the key inthe classroom of the future. Allowing students to move freely & access resources at their leisure will limit restrictions of movement & ultimately widen the pathway for learning. Without the rules associated with the mode 2 classroom, the urge to rebel doesn’t exist. Students are making their own choices to learn, to socialize & to have fun.

For Civic Australia, we believe that the lounge-style approach to classrooms is an unconventional shift that excites & motivates students, as well as teaching staff. Its new, its different & its not governed by rules. It definitely contains the blueprint for the classroom of the future.

Ask us more about the classroom of the future & how we can help you achieve your vision for your school.

Call 1800 228 877 or email to find out more.