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The Library of Learning begins at McCarthy Catholic College. McCarthy understands that growing adults are innately creative & that creativity needs to be nurtured for it to bud & grow & become useful in a rapidly changing world.

Education holds the potential for tomorrow’s leaders. By facilitating education in the best way possible, schools are giving children a leg-up into the real world. At Civic Australia we value each school’s approach to learning & we collaborate with management in a united goal to best facilitate the learning process.


It is a proven statistic that bright coloured interiors of academia with contrasting shapes & patterns stimulate the brain far more powerfully than that of dull & hard-surfaced interiors. That is why Civic Australia makes furniture for schools the way they do. Round, square, elliptical, pectrum, hexagonal, almost any shape is possible to trigger the inspiration of the students. Engineered into those shapes are quality materials with the finest craftsmanship in the Australian furniture indsutry to ensure the furniture is ergonomic & long-lasting.

McCarthy’s Library is a hum of brains with hard-wired cogs turning rapidly as new ideas spring from paper, books, computers & gadgets. From the funky ottoman seating to the more studious desk, students are spoilt for choice in their venture of learning.

Contact us for more information; Call 1800 228 877 or email
