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Thank you for visitng us at EduTECH 2017!

The show, the stand, the freebies and all the other fun that came with it.

Civic Australia had lots of fun exhibiting at the EduTECH show 2017 last friday. With lots of colours, furniture, students and fun, it was great day to meet all the students, teachers and other educational members from all divisions.

The whole day was filled with great vibes from this exciting social event. Bringing all like minded people together, with the same goal to enhance education, the day sure took off. Our very 21st century fun and engaging learning style, attracted many.

Cloud 9 Range… Mode Seating… Acoustic Graphic Wall Panel..

You can only imagine what a hit our stand was!

Take a look at the photographs, showing all the best bits of the day. Civic Australia would like to thank everybody who came and said hello!