”I'm lucky to have worked in theatre all over the world, but there's something magical about Broadway. The audiences are smart, they're educated. They go in ready & they're up for the party. It's a whole different atmosphere.
Famous Australian Actor

Create the vibe, mimic the drama & your on your way to Broadway!
The foundations for Broadway can start at your school. (We’re not expecting you to fly to NYC) How do you think Australian actors become famous? They start their career at school. If you build the facilities to house the budding performers & provide the right equipment & training, then your students are guaranteed a direct route to Broadway. We believe Abbotsleigh Senior School has got it right.
Click on the image below to view more of Abbotsleigh.
Abbotsleigh Senior School has mastered the thearetical effect in their newly refurbished drama room. Filled with the Cambridge Beam Seating, complete with a custom made platform, the students & staff have an oportune oberseravtion point to view & judge perfomers.
When building or refurbishing your drama room to be Broadway worthy, there are a few things to consider:
give the students scope to release their creativity. Limited facilities will produce limited talent. With a large performing area, students can move, explore & create new expressions of drama.
This needs to be at a comfortable height that allows students & teachers to view the performing area. It also needs to be easily accessible from the stage/performing area. A small version of theatre type seating always works well.
Spotlights, colour & of varying direction. Loighting plays a large part in drama creation & it helps move the performance from good to great. Ensure that there are many ceiling, side & floor lighting options to create the desired effect for the performance.
With the interiors its best to go darker rather than lighter & let the artificial lighting create dramatic effects. Given that most stages are shrouded in blackness until the lights are turned on, its best to use the blackness to absorb the behind-the-scenes preparation so the lights can focus solely on the performer.
To find out more call 1800 228 877 or email enquiries@civicaustralia.com.au